Citrix StoreFront – Export and import configuration

How to export and import StoreFront configuration

Citrix documentation for SF 3.6

If you use Windows 2008 R2 for StoreFront, you need to upgrade PowerShell to version 3.0 or newer.
Export-STFConfiguration cmdlet does not work with PowerShell 2.0 on Windows 2008 R2 causing error:

An error occurred configuring StoreFront diagnostics. Unable to find type [PSCredential]: make sure that the assembly containing this type is loaded.

With PowerShell 3.0 it works fine.

To export/import SF configuration:

Open PowerShell as an administrator and use following commads:
1. load required modules

$SDKModules = 'C:\Program Files\Citrix\Receiver StoreFront\PowerShellSDK\Modules\Citrix.StoreFront'
Import-Module "$SDKModules\Citrix.StoreFront.psd1" -verbose
Import-Module "$SDKModules.Authentication\Citrix.StoreFront.Authentication.psd1" -verbose
Import-Module "$SDKModules.Roaming\Citrix.StoreFront.Roaming.psd1" -verbose
Import-Module "$SDKModules.Stores\Citrix.StoreFront.Stores.psd1" -verbose
Import-Module "$SDKModules.WebReceiver\Citrix.StoreFront.WebReceiver.psd1" -verbose
Import-Module "$SDKModules.SubscriptionsStore\Citrix.StoreFront.SubscriptionsStore.psd1" -verbose

2. export configuration

Export-STFConfiguration -targetFolder "c:\sfbkp\" -zipFileName "sfbackup01" -NoEncryption

3. import configuration

Import-STFConfiguration -configurationZip "c:\sfbkp\" -HostBaseUrl

These commands allow to export and import StoreFront configuration on a single server, or on a master SF server within of single group of StoreFront servers.
For more examples please check Citrix documentation under a link at the begining of this post.